16.10.22 Bond Departs Club

Bristol Rovers can confirm that Kevin Bond has left his role as First Team Coach.

Kevin joined Rovers in August 2021 and was a senior member of First Team Manager Joey Barton’s coaching staff.

His wealth of experience and knowledge were huge contributing factors to last year's promotion success.

The club would like to thank Kevin for his efforts during his time at Rovers and wish him the very best for the future.

Kevin said: "Last season was probably the most amazing year I’ve experienced in football.

To move from where we were at Christmas to promotion on the last day of the season was truly remarkable. I thought I’d seen most things in football but watching that seventh goal go in will stay with me forever.

Now is the right time for me to leave.

I would like to thank everyone connected with the club; Wael, a fantastic man at the helm, Joey, the staff, the players and our brilliant supporters for making my time here so memorable."

Joey said: “Kev joined us at a difficult time early last season, when we needed it and has been superb for us as we built our team up on and off the pitch over the past year. I’d like to thank him for all of his efforts during his time with the club and we wish him all the best for the future”.

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