Safeguarding & Policies
Bristol Rovers Football Club (BRFC) is committed to providing a safe and positive environment for everyone involved in its services and activities.
The Club takes its extended moral and legal duty of care very seriously in relation to children and young people. We seek to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all children and to protect them from harm or abuse when they engage in any activities conducted under the name of Bristol Rovers Football Club.
We recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children and adults. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment to all, and that everyone is respected and valued.
We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection, and justice.
To view our Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy, click HERE.
To view our Adult Safeguarding Policy, please click HERE.
To view our Complaints Policies & Procedures, please click HERE.
To view our Fan Engagement Plan, please click HERE.
The Club is totally committed to:
• Creating a safer environment for all visitors, participants and staff
• Encouraging the early reporting of safeguarding concerns
• Dealing with safeguarding issues and concerns proportionately and fairly
• Developing systems to prevent harm to children or adults at risk
If you have a concern about your own safety, the safety or welfare of a child, or adult at risk who engage in Club activities please contact:
- The person in charge of the activity, they will refer to the Safeguarding Officer
- The Matchday Safeguarding Hub on 07451 288910
- James Hillier: Stadium and Safety Manager on jameshillier@bristolrovers.co.uk
Online Safety Information
To read the 'Game Safe' online safety guide, click HERE.
Equality & Safeguarding Policies
The Club complies with the various EFL policies regarding equality, discrimination, equal opportunities and complies with making the Memorial Stadium accessible to disabled supporters.
Below are numerous Club's policies;
Equal Opportunities and Diversity
Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy